• 22 августа 2017, вторник
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How to do a 15 minute client qualification and find out their real need (Free webinar)

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2764 дня назад
22 августа 2017 c 19:00 до 20:00

Do you ever feel like investing time with potential clients and hearing a "No" after few months of negotiations? Or even worse, being asked by the prospect to prepare more specifications, free pilot projects and not getting an answer at all!

Do you ever feel like investing time with potential clients and hearing a "No" after few months of negotiations?

Or even worse, being asked by the prospect to prepare more specifications, free pilot projects and not getting an answer at all!
Would it be nice to know, at least in first steps what problems the client wants to solve and why?
Learn how to qualify prospects in the right way. 
Join our webinar and see a 15-minute qualification method, that can help you in your first meetings decide if you want to move forward with the negotiation, see if after a coffee in a trade shows you’d like to visit the client etc. 
Simon Stanisz
Founder and Partner at NorthStar Consulting
Fourteen years experience in sales and business management. Five years in direct sales and management in the USA; trained and coached hundreds of salespeople and marketers in USA, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Ukraine, Baltics, France, UK and many more.
Co-founder of multiple successful businesses and brands on the European market helping increase sales and marketing efficiency
Active in new technologies and startup communities in Europe and the US, working as a coach and a mentor. Presenter in organizations including Stanford University via the US-Polish Trade Council.
Worked with multiple companies from the smallest startups to top corporations like Deutsche Telekom, Cisco, Google. Enjoys working with tech companies that want to scale abroad and grow their sales.


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